People often think that self-storage in Australia while renovating a property can be an extra cost that is not needed. But it's not true all the time. Some storage company has a monthly payments system that allows the flexibility of renting a unit only for as long as you anticipate the job will require.
Advantages of self-storage in renovations
The extra space can always come in handy if you are renovating. Whether it's to store furniture while carpeting or tiling is being installed or to store leftover paint.
After all, we've all lived somewhere with a garage, shed, or outbuilding that's been filled with unnecessary cans of various colors.
This is where the choice of long-term or short-term storage comes into play. If you have a big task ahead of you, or the first of many, think of us as your warehouse. Whereas if renovation just means you need extra space, you can rent a unit for a month or so while you get organized.
The main advantage is that it allows you to have room to manoeuvre while performing the task. You don't have to worry about moving your furniture every 5 minutes, nor do you have to live in chaos. If a job involves working in a specific room, you can solve the problem in one go. You can calculate the minimum amount of storage space you need and reserve a unit accordingly.
Personal and business storage
The difference between personal and business storage is pretty straightforward. One is for private use, and the other is for business needs. Sometimes, there may be a crossover. After all, the fact that you are renovating a property does not mean that you are necessarily a builder by profession.
This can be especially true when doing work in your own home. Storage space is useful, but most likely just for the interim period. Whereas if you are constantly painting and decorating or something like that, it can be your main source of income.
If this is the case, rent a unit instead of cluttering the garage with ladders, scaffolding, etc. Additionally, our commercial warehouse offers a level of safety and security that may not be available when operating from your home.
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